Monday, August 17, 2009

Guess What I FINALLY finished...........

HEY HEY HEY all!!! Yup, I'm writing a blog tonight...not sure why, just feel like writing, but hey I've got a lot ot write about so here goes...hahaha!!!

Tyler started 4th grade this past Friday, the 14th...I can't believe little man just keeps getting older and older. He's growing up so quickly, where on earth did the time go? WOW! So far he's liking his teacher and school, aside from the issues of homework and NOT wanting to do it...UGH...LOL

I started a new eat healthy plan today that you do hardcore style for 2 weeks and then just watch after that and continue to monitor your eating habits and things like that!! I'm glad and excited about this!!

I went walking this morning which I'll be doing every morning as well. We did a mile today, so I'm glad to be back at exercising some!! I'm also going to start working out some at the house as well as doing my walking daily. It feels so good to be getting in a healthy habit with eating and exercising!! I think that will help me feel so much better about myself! finish the TITLE of my blog...Guess what I finally finished...yup...ECLIPSE!!!!!! I'm sooooooo happy, I finally had time to read now with Tyler back in school!!! I can't wait to dive into Breaking Dawn. I'm hoping to get a start on it some tomorrow, but we'll see, as I've already got a busy schedule!! LOL

Well, I'm off to bed soon, as 6:30am comes all to soon for me...hahaha!!!

Nite All!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

More Movies & Scrapbooking

Since my last post on the 4th I've watched a few more movies and finished several more scrapbook pages!! YEAH!!! I've been trying to keep myself busy...LOL

Today however was no different. I did some launddry around the house and then sat down to scrapbook while watching yet more movies...LOL

1. V for Vendetta
2. Hairspray
3. Cadet Kelly

Yes, the last 2 are extremely GIRLY, but that's alright 'cause I'm totally a girl!!! HAHAHA!!!

Although, I must say that even for being a GIRLY GIRL and I love watching chic flicks...........................I LOVED....yes....LOVEDDDDDDDD V for Vendetta!!! In fact, it receives a rating of AWESOME & EXCELLENT in my book!!! :) If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it to all of you readers out there!!!

While watching all these movies today and this past week, I've probably done between 8 to 10 pages to my scrapbook.......but again, I'm not even CLOSE to being caught scrapbook years...poor 10 year old Tyler is only.....4 1/2.....LOL...OPPS, just a little behind...

Tyler spent a few hours with his new friends...yes, the boys he graciously invited over that one day from my older entry...hahaha!!!! Those boys seem very nice though!! I haven't met their parents yet, but think I'll try and do that soon!!! :)

Eric has CQ tomorrow...another word for babysit in the barracks...'cause the soldiers are ridiculous and can't listen to rules...hahaha...anyways...yeah it is basically babysitting and it's a 24-hour duty, so 9am tomorrow until 9am Sunday fun fun!!!

Well, I'm off to bed...I'll check in again soon!!!!!! Night all!!! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Girly Movie Nights...LOL

So...let's see...Sunday night after Army Wives, I felt like scrapbooking and figured I was already in the living room, I'd just put my stuff all around me on the floor...(which it's still there 'cause I keep working on it...LOL)...but figured I'd pop a movie in to watch while I did it. Not sure what's up but I've been in a complete GIRLY mood lately, LOL.

Which, I'm allowed to be in right, I mean I am a girl...LOL...Anywho

Sunday night it was Aquamarine and then again last night as I was scrapbooking it was Camp Rock........I don't know what's come over me, but I'm completely into this Girly, Prissy, idk mode lately...HAHAHA....but if you're in for a girly, chic flix, fun, kinda movie....either would be a good pick!!!! Any thoughts on either of them? :)

Army Wives

So...Every Sunday night I watch the show, Army Wives. I've never been so involved in a TV Series before, but this one just got me hooked. This year we're on Season 3 and I own Season 1 on DVD and I'm getting Season 2. I think it's just the reality of it is what got me so interested, but otherwise, it's just been really cool to watch!!

It's not "EXACTLY" how military life is, but it shows a very good close comparison. I am able to completely relate with each of the couples on the show, because at some point, I think we all experience most of the problems EACH set has or is or will be going through...It definitely brings people together, because it shows everyones thoughts, concerns, and outlooks. It doesn't favor the soldier's view or the spouse's view or an outsider's shows all of them equally and I think that's why it's hooked so many people, as well as, the fact that it's about the up to date conflicts in our world and shows our military fighting.

I've often wondered if other branches are upset due to the "NAME" of the show. I mean all of our service members are fighting for the same cause and I just hope that some aren't boycotting the show because of the name...I do know a Marine Wife who had never watched the show until a couple months back and she LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!

I just really enjoy it and I'm glad I've found something I can get into on TV, 'cause I don't really watch much

Have you ever watched it????