Since my last post on the 4th I've watched a few more movies and finished several more scrapbook pages!! YEAH!!! I've been trying to keep myself busy...LOL
Today however was no different. I did some launddry around the house and then sat down to scrapbook while watching yet more movies...LOL
1. V for Vendetta
2. Hairspray
3. Cadet Kelly
Yes, the last 2 are extremely GIRLY, but that's alright 'cause I'm totally a girl!!! HAHAHA!!!
Although, I must say that even for being a GIRLY GIRL and I love watching chic flicks...........................I LOVED....yes....LOVEDDDDDDDD V for Vendetta!!! In fact, it receives a rating of AWESOME & EXCELLENT in my book!!! :) If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it to all of you readers out there!!!
While watching all these movies today and this past week, I've probably done between 8 to 10 pages to my scrapbook.......but again, I'm not even CLOSE to being caught up...lol...in scrapbook years...poor 10 year old Tyler is only.....4 1/2.....LOL...OPPS, just a little behind...
Tyler spent a few hours with his new friends...yes, the boys he graciously invited over that one day from my older entry...hahaha!!!! Those boys seem very nice though!! I haven't met their parents yet, but think I'll try and do that soon!!! :)
Eric has CQ tomorrow...another word for babysit in the barracks...'cause the soldiers are ridiculous and can't listen to rules...hahaha...anyways...yeah it is basically babysitting and it's a 24-hour duty, so 9am tomorrow until 9am Sunday morning...fun fun fun!!!
Well, I'm off to bed...I'll check in again soon!!!!!! Night all!!! :)
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