Monday, August 17, 2009

Guess What I FINALLY finished...........

HEY HEY HEY all!!! Yup, I'm writing a blog tonight...not sure why, just feel like writing, but hey I've got a lot ot write about so here goes...hahaha!!!

Tyler started 4th grade this past Friday, the 14th...I can't believe little man just keeps getting older and older. He's growing up so quickly, where on earth did the time go? WOW! So far he's liking his teacher and school, aside from the issues of homework and NOT wanting to do it...UGH...LOL

I started a new eat healthy plan today that you do hardcore style for 2 weeks and then just watch after that and continue to monitor your eating habits and things like that!! I'm glad and excited about this!!

I went walking this morning which I'll be doing every morning as well. We did a mile today, so I'm glad to be back at exercising some!! I'm also going to start working out some at the house as well as doing my walking daily. It feels so good to be getting in a healthy habit with eating and exercising!! I think that will help me feel so much better about myself! finish the TITLE of my blog...Guess what I finally finished...yup...ECLIPSE!!!!!! I'm sooooooo happy, I finally had time to read now with Tyler back in school!!! I can't wait to dive into Breaking Dawn. I'm hoping to get a start on it some tomorrow, but we'll see, as I've already got a busy schedule!! LOL

Well, I'm off to bed soon, as 6:30am comes all to soon for me...hahaha!!!

Nite All!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

More Movies & Scrapbooking

Since my last post on the 4th I've watched a few more movies and finished several more scrapbook pages!! YEAH!!! I've been trying to keep myself busy...LOL

Today however was no different. I did some launddry around the house and then sat down to scrapbook while watching yet more movies...LOL

1. V for Vendetta
2. Hairspray
3. Cadet Kelly

Yes, the last 2 are extremely GIRLY, but that's alright 'cause I'm totally a girl!!! HAHAHA!!!

Although, I must say that even for being a GIRLY GIRL and I love watching chic flicks...........................I LOVED....yes....LOVEDDDDDDDD V for Vendetta!!! In fact, it receives a rating of AWESOME & EXCELLENT in my book!!! :) If you haven't seen it, I HIGHLY recommend it to all of you readers out there!!!

While watching all these movies today and this past week, I've probably done between 8 to 10 pages to my scrapbook.......but again, I'm not even CLOSE to being caught scrapbook years...poor 10 year old Tyler is only.....4 1/2.....LOL...OPPS, just a little behind...

Tyler spent a few hours with his new friends...yes, the boys he graciously invited over that one day from my older entry...hahaha!!!! Those boys seem very nice though!! I haven't met their parents yet, but think I'll try and do that soon!!! :)

Eric has CQ tomorrow...another word for babysit in the barracks...'cause the soldiers are ridiculous and can't listen to rules...hahaha...anyways...yeah it is basically babysitting and it's a 24-hour duty, so 9am tomorrow until 9am Sunday fun fun!!!

Well, I'm off to bed...I'll check in again soon!!!!!! Night all!!! :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My Girly Movie Nights...LOL

So...let's see...Sunday night after Army Wives, I felt like scrapbooking and figured I was already in the living room, I'd just put my stuff all around me on the floor...(which it's still there 'cause I keep working on it...LOL)...but figured I'd pop a movie in to watch while I did it. Not sure what's up but I've been in a complete GIRLY mood lately, LOL.

Which, I'm allowed to be in right, I mean I am a girl...LOL...Anywho

Sunday night it was Aquamarine and then again last night as I was scrapbooking it was Camp Rock........I don't know what's come over me, but I'm completely into this Girly, Prissy, idk mode lately...HAHAHA....but if you're in for a girly, chic flix, fun, kinda movie....either would be a good pick!!!! Any thoughts on either of them? :)

Army Wives

So...Every Sunday night I watch the show, Army Wives. I've never been so involved in a TV Series before, but this one just got me hooked. This year we're on Season 3 and I own Season 1 on DVD and I'm getting Season 2. I think it's just the reality of it is what got me so interested, but otherwise, it's just been really cool to watch!!

It's not "EXACTLY" how military life is, but it shows a very good close comparison. I am able to completely relate with each of the couples on the show, because at some point, I think we all experience most of the problems EACH set has or is or will be going through...It definitely brings people together, because it shows everyones thoughts, concerns, and outlooks. It doesn't favor the soldier's view or the spouse's view or an outsider's shows all of them equally and I think that's why it's hooked so many people, as well as, the fact that it's about the up to date conflicts in our world and shows our military fighting.

I've often wondered if other branches are upset due to the "NAME" of the show. I mean all of our service members are fighting for the same cause and I just hope that some aren't boycotting the show because of the name...I do know a Marine Wife who had never watched the show until a couple months back and she LOVES IT!!!!!!!!!

I just really enjoy it and I'm glad I've found something I can get into on TV, 'cause I don't really watch much

Have you ever watched it????

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kids Never Cease To Amaze Me...LOL

Hey this is a must'll get a laugh...

Tyler was playing in the house today, and then he asked me what the big wooded boxes were on the big truck back behind our house...well someone was moving in I told him and they were unloading their stuff...LOL...I mean this is an Army Post, that happens all the time for he says ok, and goes back to doing whatever for a few hours. Well, I guess this bothered'cause a few hours later he says... "Mom, can I ride my scooter over and introduce myself to the new people in the neighborhood?" So I asked him what he intended to say, 'cause I didn't want him to bother them. He says........ "Hi, my name's Tyler and I just wanted to come over and introduce myself and welcome you to the neighborhood." So I told him he didn't have to be that formal, but if he really wanted to he he says alright mom, I'm taking my scooter, I'll be back...I said DON'T GET IN THEIR WAY...and off he goes................

I'm then, putting some blankets away and putting clean sheets on his bed, and just minding my own business, 'cause he usually finds things to do...

10-15 min. passes.......okk....hmmmmmm, well guess he found something to

20 min. since he left I hear a knock on my back screened in porch...well of course NO ONE ever comes to that really doesn't have any friends in the area...but okk, I'll go

There's Tyler at our back door with 2 I open the door...Tyler says.........

Hey mom, this is Cody and this is Chris...and they all three just come on in...LOL...Guess Tyler figured since they were unloading their stuff to just have them come over....

I just thought that was definitely cute...not that I minded the boys coming over 'cause that's awesome that he's getting out and meeting ppl 'cause he really doesn't have any friends right in this it's definitely a good thing!!! :)

So I've got 3 boys running around...they were sword fighting for awhile all over the house...but now they are finally just chillin' in front of some video game...LOL....BOYS!!!!! LOL

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

MySpace & Facebook

Hey I've just been anti- computer.........just not feeling things right now....not feeling myspace or facebook, in fact they are kind of annoying me righ tnow.....contemplated deleting all of them...including my blog...'cause I can't even be myself.......even though that is the title of my blog site...well until I change it....UGHHHHHH

Today...well, it rained AGAIN...I'm beginning to think that's all it it is 2 weeks straight and I think we've gotten rain EVERY DAY....not that it last all day but still, annoying...and doesn't cool things off, rather makes it moreeeeeee, is that possible I think, but trust me...IT IS!!!!!!!!!!

Anywho........I can't exactly even go into why myspace and facebook are annoying me....'cause well...I can't....long story....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, so this blog entry was a short, venting session as much as I could 'cause of yet another reason I can't, I love having to be so NOT ME.......NOT!!!!!!!!!

Wow, I hope things get better soon!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Dead Awakens...hahaha

Ok Ok, I know I've not written on here in over 2 months...I got it...I didn't live up to what I wanted from the beginning...SORRY!!!!!!!!!!! LOL...but I'm back and going to try to keep up may not be everyday but we'll see what happens...guess it depends on how interesting my life is...hahahahahahahaha!!! Okk.....but anyways......I'm off to bed right's 1am and I'm sleepy!!!!!!!! *****YAWN***** Nighty Night!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Eclipse Update

Well here it is...2 days after i got the book and I should be done with it at the rate I've been going...hahaha!!! Anyways, seriously, had I not had the normal house work and Tyler and the other million things, I'd probably be anywho...I'm up to chapter 12 and well I'd really be further today but we took the afternoon and went for a walk, and then to Eric's office for a bit, and then a few places together...then we had a family movie while we yeah, maybe I'll catch a few more chapters before I go to bed tonite...but that's my progress...glad that Nicki is supposed to send out the next book in the am, 'cause I'm going to need it all too soon!!! hahaha!!!!!!! Later y'all!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

randomness today...and Dasher's

This is what we find Dasher doing likes to CUDDLE with the plastic bird bobble head...LOL

today I woke up barely in time to tell Tyler goodbye as he was already up and ready for school, I really slept through the alarms

Then I went back to bed and finally woke up at about 10 am and my day just seemed to start like yesterday...I folded a load of laundry and put it away while watching tv...then I watched an episode of the OC...then Eric came home for this all sounds familiar...I know

Anyways, then after lunch I read 2 more chapters of Eclipse!!! YEAH, I'm through chapter 5 now!!

Tyler's down to only 1/2 days of school tom. and fri....of course he's excited by this, and I'm not sure...LOL

Well, tonite I'm going to read a little more and watch clean house at 10pm tonite 'cause they are starting the 7 messiest houses across 7 states's on the style channel...I've really become addicted to that show...LOL

Well...catch you all later...hopefully I'll have some more exciting news to chat about next time...LOL

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Well to anyones surprise...yes I've been reading...LOL

I am now 3 chapters into Eclipse and LOVING IT!!!! Can't wait to read more tomorrow, 'cause I know for sure I will be doing so!!! Better start reading may catch up to you!!! ha ha ha!!!

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ Eclipse ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

So today has been a rather productive day...YEAH!!! I got up this morning, watched some tv while folding a couple baskets of laundry and put that away...Then had lunch with Eric. After lunch, I dusted the house...and then the electric went out...UGH UGH UGH...buttttt it came back on about 20 min. later, so I cleaned the fun! After that, I sat down and watched 2 episodes of the OC...I'm still in the 2nd season...but they were really good episodes!!! Tyler came home from school, I made a peroggi casserole dish with ham, broccoli, mushrooms, & was really good!!! :) Oh and before dinner...I checked the mail and yup.....ECLIPSE came today from my friend Nicki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So of course my plans is to dive right in!!! hee hee hee!!!!!! YEAH, My Life is back with ECLIPSE!!!!!!!!!!! LOL talk to you all later!!! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Advil Cold & Sinus is my friend...LOL

So over the past 3 days Advil Cold & Sinus has been my best friend, along with some awesome cough syrup with codine in it...LOL...needless to say, after babysitting the girls on Friday night, my weekend turned into me getting sick with a sinus cold...and here it is Monday and I've spent 99% of my weekend in my bed,!!!

Otherwise, things are going alright, can't wait to get the old landlords paid off so they get off our back about it...and it's putting a lot of financial stress on us as well having to pay them...ugh!!!

I've almost given up on Eclipse...I'm really hoping it comes in the mail friend said she mailed it last I'm really really hoping...'cause I'm pretty much insane right now at this point wondering what is going to happen.....ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Yup, I'm one of those twilight freaks...hahaha!!!

As for the OC, as my brother asked in a comment on my last post...I am still way season 2 still...and just finished watching episode 13...where Marissa kisses Alex.......I'm still not sure about where Lindsay is about to be adopted and then Julie has to butt her self-centered self into it know y'all don't wanna hear about my OC drama ... but hey it's either OC or Twilight...LOL...and since I can't read at the's OC...hahaha!!!

Tyler started his last week of school today...he's excited for school to be over...but I'm not sure why they are going this last spelling words, no tests...because Thursday and Friday are 1/2 days...he said they did some papers this morning but nothing that would be graded and then read books and watched movies all, looks like he's in for just a fun week at school...LOL...alrighty then...I don't remember the last FULL WEEK of school being like that..maybe the last couple of days...but hey....I'm not the alrighty

Tyler's in the living room right now playing Final Fantasy X and Eric's still at work...thought I'd sit down and fill everyone in on my exciting life right now and take a few min. to relax at the least I'm not in I've been most of the more day and just maybe I'll be back up and oon my feet again!!!!! :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Life lately.....

Hey everyone!! I know, I know...where have I been lately!! Well, I could probably write a novel to update everyone as to what's been happening here in SUNNY Lousiana these days! ha ha ha Over the past week or so we've been pretty busy and just kinda living life as it comes at us all!

Tyler, is into his last 2 weeks of school and very excited about that fact! His last day is May 22nd, and he is just getting more antsy by the day for it to be here! He's doing very well in school as well, keeping his grades in GREAT shape and just loving his teacher and things that have been going on there! He got a good behavior award last week and got to participate in the extra special WET & FUN inflatable WATERSLIDE time that the school provided for the kids that have had such awesome behavior! He's made a few friends at school, but none that he's had over yet, I hope that changes soon, as he's really hoping to be able to have some friends over this summer after we come back from our time in Ohio!

Eric's been hard at work each day, keeping busy with inventories and ordering all the supply shortages. He's had several change of command ceremonies lately and yet another one to come in June, so he's been dealing with all of those preparations. There has been talk about his higher ups sending him to the board sometime in June or July this summer, for a promotion from E-5 to E-6. This would be wonderful, as he'd receive a pay increase! The downfall is he also receives more responsibilities for this as well, but I think that would all be do-able as well, just something to get used to.

I have been keeping busy with keeping the house clean and doing laundry. Helping Tyler with homework and fixing dinner and just doing all the things a house wife/stay at home mom does, but I'm getting used to it and loving it more and more each day! I've been working on putting some photo collages together to hang up, and finding out I need some more collage frames when we get the extra money because I didn't get to put all the pictures in these ones that I've done so far, but I have gotten 3 done and ready to hang soon, so that excites me!

My Mother's Day was probably the best day I've had since we moved here! Woke up to Tyler giving me the things he made me at school, which was very sweet!!! The traditional coupon booklet with things and a letter he wrote me, as well as a paper he filled out about all the things he loves about his mom!! Definitely was wonderful to read each thing!! :) Eric took me to lunch at what's become my favorite place to eat here, called Catfish Junction. It's a restaraunt that features many southern, cajun, Louisiana greats!! Gumbo, Catfish, Crawfish, ALLIGATOR, frog legs, and just so many different things, as well as steak, chicken, and wow, it just keeps going! I tried alligator and absolutely loved it as well that day! Then we just kinda drove around and when we got home my friend Diedra gave us a call to tell us they were going to do the "waterslide" again this weekend, since we missed it the 1st weekend they did it...and so we headed over there about 4ish and well...we didn't come home and start showers for bed until to say 6:30 came for Tyler Monday morning and he was NOT ready to wake up and grace the world with his presence for school, but he did!! LOL The pictures for this event are on my myspace as well as if you go to my videos there are 2 there of the event as well!! We spent most of the evening on the waterslide and we grilled out and then had a fire and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores!! Overall the day was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

I'm getting excited some to come back to Ohio in June, just totally DREADING the long drive Tyler and I face ahead. Wish Eric was able to travel with us, but he just can't get away from work right now or else he'd come too. Tyler and I will be in Ohio 2-3 weeks...I'll be in Ohio 1 week less than he will as one of my weeks will be spent in Indiana at a church camp with Bayda to lead praise & worship to the jr. high kids, so I'm very excited about that as well!! Then we'll get to see everyone we can, and Tyler will be able to spend time with his friends and family, then it'll be the long trip back home here to Louisiana!! But the good news that follows that is... When we get back, Eric gets to take block leave time from July 1st through the 15th, so we'll get to spend time with him and he won't have to work!! We are very excited about this, as we're talking about taking a trip to the beach down on the Gulf and just take some time for ourselves, we may go up to Oklahoma and visit our friends from there as well...just whatever we do we'll be together doing it!! :)

Then we'll have to start back into normal days after the 15th of July, as Eric will be back to work, but Tyler will be home for a few more weeks before school starts up. Looks like we have a BUSY summer ahead!

Well, I think I'm going to go for now, but just wanted everyone to get caught up to date on what we've been up too!!! Talk to you all again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

SLUGS.......Yes, I mean the slimy things outside...

SLUGS...slug is a name for a terrestrial gastropod, now you'r 1st question is probably what the heck is a gastropod...well I looked it up for you, so we'll go there first...

a gastropod is a memeber of the gastropoda class, which is the largest and most successful of the mollusks. Most have shells that are coiled or spiraled, like snails, but in some forms, such as slugs or sea slugs, the shells are either reduced or just non-exsistant.

So, slugs have a thin plate that is embedded into their tissue, they also have a distinct head with a mouth, tentacles that bear eyes, and a lung for breathing air. They move over a trail of slime, which they secrete. They glide out to feed at night, because they need cool and moist climate to live.

Ok, I know you're probably asking yourself, what in the world am I getting at right? LOL Well, it's like this...........those nasty slimy creatures are everywhere on my side porch at night......YUCK!!! LOL On a normal night there are between 3 to 7 ranging in size...and their secretion trails of slime, stay there......again....YUCK!!!!!

I have found out that they drowned in beer, and well they shrival up if you pour salt on them because it dehydrates their body...opps...yes I've tried the salt


Just thought I'd vent a little about these annoying little nasty and slimy things...and also, grace you all with a pic of one of the larger ones I've had on my porch. (although he's not the biggest one I've had out

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hey today I finished up most of the cleaning I still needed to do around the house, except vaccum, but I'll do that tomorrow!

Today I basically spent on this computer here, changing around my myspace page and I'm still not done with go check it out and let me know what you think!! :)

Hope you all are having a good day!!!

Ate at a restraunt called Catfish Junction tonite that has a lot of awesome Cajun and seafood dishes, you find a lot of places down here like that, but this one was really good, and not all that expensive really for the 3 of us to eat considering the meals we got!! :)

Well, again i'm not happy with y'all who are reading or have read Eclipse 'cause I really wanna read it...but ya know....

I'll check in with y'all tomorrow!!! That's all for now folks!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


So, I have a lot to write about since I didn't post anything ALL WEEKEND!!!! Opps!!! Sorry y'all!!!
Saturday we got up early and went to the Post Carnival, Tyler played some games there and played in the inflatable things like the obstacle course and things...(pics are on my myspace)...after that, we headed to the Mayfest in downtown Leesville, that was pretty sweet too...they dedicated a parking lot to be the block of chalk...where you could go in and just draw anything you wanted with sidewalk was pretty kewl, didn't matter how old or young you was sweet, you just signed your name and age and took different colors...(pics on myspace too)...Tyler aslo got a temporay airbrush tattoo of a dragon, and also got one of those pop guns that has the cork thing on the end you pop out...he really likes it...then I got to have CRAWFISH for dinner...YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (that of course was awesome)
As for all you who are reading Eclipse....I DON"T LIKE YOU RIGHT NOW.......I still haven't gotten my hands on a copy of it...I'm going insane and getting mad...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!

Sunday we went to church on was a protastant service, and it wasn't bad...the message that is...but I can't stay there...they only do communion once a month, no classes for kids over the age of 6 during the sermon...but...the praise team....ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has its good and bad......but will I ever find one like FCC???? I've been to all the ones on the list John Reed gave me except the one that's an hour and a half away...and the one I can't find anywhere and they never answer their phone...but anywho......I just want to find something........

Today...well, it's supposed to be cleaning day...ha ha ha ha...that's all i gotta say...I dusted...and swept the laundry/pantry room and the foyer...and that's as far as cleaning got today...LOL...washed and dried a few loads of laundry but didn't fold or put them away....really I sat on this computer most of the day and did absolutely're all entitled to a day like that right? LOL

The lizard was in front of my's cute!!! LOL

Well I hope you all enjoyed my catch up blog!!! Talk to you all later!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Here Today...

Well, I woke up this morning, got a shower...and I'm feeling stomach is still bothering me, but I got stuff I gotta do today...sick or not...LOL

I definitely feel better today than I did yesterday, so that's a good thing!!! Not sure what it is and why I haven't been feeling so good!! :(

So, other than being sick, I guess things are pretty good...

Oh yeah...we cancelled the Spider-Man Monopoly Game...I was winning anyways so it's all good...ha ha ha...we are going to play this Monopoly Tycoon DVD game this weekend...we were going to play that originally, but Tyler was already in bed and you have to have at least 3 players...that's definitely a new rule for Monopoly...LOL...all the others are 2 to 6...this one's 3, 4 or 5.....I'll let everyone know what we think of this version...

I have chili in the crock pot already to simmer all day for dinner tonite...I have enough....coming for dinner? LOL

Well, I'm going to go try and fold the couple loads of laundry I didn't do yesterday since I was in bed all day...LOL....I'll catch up with everyone later!!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sorry about lack of posts...Spider-Man

So here is a quick post b4 i go to bed...sorry i didn't post anything yesterday, it was a completely lazy day and I seriously did absolutely nothing on the other hand...cleaned the entire house and then watched a couple more episodes of OC (2nd Season)...then tonite Eric and I started a Game of Spider-Man Monopoly...and we are off to bed, so that's on hold for the time'll check in tomorrow!!! G'Nite All!!! :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Just a Check in

Good Morning World!!! Ok, well, not the world, but hey, everyone who is reading this!! :) I'm a little more awake today than I was yesterday, so this should be a better day! I'm now into the 2nd Season of the OC and I'm just like OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!'s kind of addicting...kinda like Twilight...which well I'm still stuck without Eclipse and going pretty CRAZY!

Tyler's at school, Eric's at work, and I'm here at the house, just got done taking a shower and all is laundry to do at this point or put away, I could unload the dishwasher, but I'll do that after lunch...right now, I'm off to watch at least one episode of the OC, before Eric gets home for lunch!!!!

I'll check in later!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wow...where do I start this one........

So, my day hasn't been the greatest, but yet it hasn't been the worst either. Eric is on 24-hr. duty, which started @ 9am this morning and runs until obviously...9am tomorrow morning. So there goes our shot of trying a church this Sunday, which I must say is driving me crazy, 'cause I really miss attending church.

Today also brought a hit of reality back to my eyes, as the last almost 5 years it's been Tyler and I in Ohio living together and today that's what it seemed like, 'cause it was a Saturday and Eric hasn't been here much...lunch like 30 min. and dinner about the same...anyways, it reminded me of back home...well...back in Ohio...I've been really homesick lately and just haven't said anything to many people, because I'm trying to be the strong one. Is that wrong of me? Somedays, I just keep thinking I'm in a dream, but I guess that would make this a really LONG dream, 'cause it doesn't end...but I know it's not a dream. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that I'm here and that things are going well, but I can't exactly say I'm home by any stretch of the fact...reality is really here...I'm not home, I don't know anyone here, I am in a place where it's Eric, Tyler, and myself...again, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but for anyone that knows me at all...I'm a people person and I am by far not comfortable right now. Tyler hasn't had anyone over to play, and that's not normal...he always is with someone...well he was in Ohio...not even the neighborhood kids play with him...he has gone outside to do what...ride his scooter by himself, because right now both of his bikes are not in service...the one needs brakes and the other needs new intertubes for the tires. He has a cell phone to keep in touch with his life back in Ohio, but like he's told me,'s just not the same...I have no one...I keep telling him it's all still new and that he has to give it some time and things will get better, when inside I'm dying myself and I feel the exact same way...............I miss my friends, my lifestyle..........I feel like...I've lost my best they don't have time for me anymore because I'm not there with them, and so they just seem to pass by the fact that I'm still here...just not there...and I still need to hear from them and talk to know, I'm almost scared to come back in it's all going to be so different and that everyone is going to have just moved forward...which kinda got put in perspective to me in another way the other was a different subject, but fits for's what I mean.......................When I left Ohio...that's the last time I personally saw my friends and when I return, it's going to be me coming back feeling like it's only been a second since I left.............but then I have to face reality.......they've all kept going, they've all moved forward and made everyday life continue for them and their that going to change where I fit in? Is that going to change me being as close as before? Does that mean my best friends aren't my best friends anymore? I mean I talked to my best friends way more when I lived there than I have since I've been here.....................I'm so confused...............Please don't take all this the wrong way...again, I'm not upset that I'm here and it's not that I'm not happy, because I am......I just feel I'm losing people...............I just feel lost...........UGH......


Friday, April 24, 2009

Field Day Dispute...

Hey everyone, so this is the first post today and I guess it's going to be a rambling one, because I'm kinda confused yet it was cool...ok, so you'll understand more once I start explaining the whole situation here that has my mind combobbled!! (is that even a word? oh well it is here today...hahaha)

Let's start here...for the past 3 years (Kind., 1st, and 2nd) at Crestview Tyler has had Field Day near the end of the year, as does most every school. Field day starts at 9am to lunch and then back at 1ish to finish the day until school's out. The morning always consisted of your usual, relay races, sprints, hula hoop, jump rope, long jump, softball throw (Shotput), and things of this nature...simaliar to a track meet you could say, minus a few things. Then the children would eat lunch and then the afternoon would consit of fun different objectives like bowling with different style balls, frisbee throwing, soccer kick, Bouncing on the kangaroo balls, obstacle course, and things of this nature. Then of course you can't forget the obvious Track & Field day event that just wouldn't make it complete without...a good old game of TUG A WAR between the classes and then against the high schoolers that helped with the day. At the end of the day the kids would file into the gym for the good old awards ceremony, where they would each receive a participant ribbon and then they would hand out 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th place ribbons to the ones that placed in each event. Each grade level is given their own day and they proceed with these events as planned, you can see what we've been going to...also I can say in a class of 24-28 kids...there may be ONE child that doesn't have a parent, grandparent, babysitter, someone there...but 9 out of 10 there is always someone there for each again, you can see what we've been used to.....................................

So Tyler brings home a paper last night telling us about Field Day at South Polk Elem....For Friday...Today. As I'm reading, I'm expecting to see the normal times that I'm used to, etc. It says that the kids are to bring additional clothes as there are 2 games that they will get WET on...ok, still sounds cool, that's always fun to add that in to the event of days right? Then I see...3rd grade Field time is from 10am - 11:20am.......WHAT?????????? HOLD hour and twenty minutes is field day? Ok, so I must be old fashioned and used to my country school from back in the day....but WOW.......maybe we should say ... The Organized, Extended Recess????? Ok, so anyways, I'll I said above, the morning was your "normal" Track and Field activites and the afternoon was the fun games...the Field Day activitiy events here, are basically what they would just do for FUN in the afternoon back in Ohio...and there are no rewards, such as what team got what place. It started and seemed to be finished before you know it.

Now, don't get me wrong, the kids had a blast, which is what matters, but it just doesn't seem to me that it should be deemed Track & Field day...but rather just Fun Day, because they didn't really do "Track & Field" events.

What do you all think about what a "Field Day" should consist of in Elementary School?? Any opinions...I don't mind either way!!! Feedback is always good!!!

Hope you all give me your input!! Sorry for the vent session as well, but hey, that's what a blog's for right? To vent about your everyday life, like a journal...and let ppl know what's happening!!!!

Huggs all!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey everyone!! So, I enjoyed a WONDERFUL nights sleep on my new bed!!! Awesome!! Today brought me to get the 2 boxes finisded that were in the dining room, and also hung a few more things in Tyler's room....right cause there is just so much wall space available in there...hahaha...NOT...(wait until you see pics on MySpace, you'll see what I mean...LOL) otherwise, I just hung out with Dasher and helped Tyler wish some homework when he got home, as well as had him go through some flash cards...I think tomorrow I'm going to try and finish taking the pics of the house...have a few more to get and then get them up and posted on my myspace for sure and maybe even on facebook too!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Bed

Well all I'm off to sleep in my new bed!!! YEAH YEAH YEAH!!! I'm just a little excited by this thought!! hee hee hee I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow!!! I'm going to try and take pics around the house and upload them to my myspace page tomorrow sometime too, so I'll keep you all posted about that!!!! For now...Night!!!


Ok, so now that the mess up in communication is over...I get my mattress set TODAY!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! I am absolutely beyond excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am extremely tired this morning, but I can't go back to sleep...UGH...I have some running around to do this morning, Eric will be home for lunch, and they can come anytime after my day is already started!! Just got Tyler off to school a little bit ago...and it's already in the 50's here this morning...hee hee hee

UGHHH, I NEED A NAP ALREADY!!!! ha ha ha Looking like it'll be early bedtime tonight if I don't get a nap at some point today!!! LOL

Well, I'll check in later!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Kind of Irratitated...UGH

So here it is Tuesday night and I thought I was going to be sleeping on a NEW bad tonight and well, they messed up! We called to see why they hadn't came yet, since it was after 5 to make a long story short...they told us Tuesday, as the other lady put in the computer Wed...GRRRRRR!!!!!!!! But anywho...on a good note, if we take our receipt by the store, they will refund us our $20.00 delivery fee, so that's pretty sweet!!!!

Today, was pretty boring...cleaned house and did laundry...otherwise, just played online!! :)

Off to spend some time with Eric...then I'm off to bed!!!

check in with everyone 2m!!

Good Morning

Good Morning all who are reading this!! Yesterday didn't bring any posts, because Eric and I stayed up pretty late on Sunday night together playing WOW. Monday morning came, 6:30 alarms went off to get Tyler up and ready for school, which did happen, then he was out the door to the bus, and well...we went back to bed. ha ha ha We didn't wake up and get moving until about 11 for me and it was noon for him. LOL After that, we pretty much had half our day gone 'cause Tyler returns by 3 and so we got lunch and ran to the PX and a few other places b4 Tyler came home. Then of course Tyler has this absolutely INSANE homework that I had to help him that we made dinner, Tyler played online with some friends, got a shower and off to bed he went...then Eric and I spent some more time on WOW before heading to bed ourselves. So yesterday was pretty much a lazy day of nothing really. LOL

Today my day started pretty busy, up with Tyler to get him off to school, after that I jumped in the shower and began my day of cleaning house. Folding laundry and putting it away, cleaned the kitchen so far...still going to dust and vaccum today, but took a break to check in on here!

Sometime after 1 today our new mattress set will be delivered, and you can't imagine how EXSTATIC I am!! We needed this so badly!!!

I'm still bent because I can't get my hands on a copy of Eclipse and I really badly want to be reading right now!! I'm pretty much ready to kill for it...ha ha ha...j/k, but I do really want to obtain a copy soon, because I'm going crazy really!!! (Thanks Ray~Ray for getting me to read! LOL)

So, I've leveled my character to 17 now on WOW and starting to enjoy playing a little more, but I am not one that has to play every day, and also won't be, 'cause I can't deal with that!!

Jammin' out today to some Nightwish, Gotthard, Petra, & Whitesnake today!!! Gotta love my weird music mixes!! Never know what will be on when I'm around...ha ha ha!!!

I finally hung up some pictures yesterday around the house, but have found that I truly need some scenic pics to hang in main places like the wall in the foyer and even down the sometime in the future that will be something I look to get! (Near Future)

My dad's recovering from his surgery quite well, from what my mom says each day that I talk to her, so I am very thankful for that!! I pray that continues to go so well!!

Well, I'm back to the house to you all later!!! :)

Missing all of you in Ohio, but I'll be visiting soon!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

hey everyone

Hello!! Sorry this is the 1st post of the day, just been spending the day with the fam...Tyler goes back to school tomorrow so we've been around the house just doing stuff together. Things are good here...playing a little WOW tonite since Tyler's in bed...otherwise, it's been just a laid back day of hanging around the house! Hope everyone has had a great day!!! ttyl

Saturday, April 18, 2009

~ Louisiana Homecoming ~

Hey everyone, wow, I think I could write forever in this blog...we had an absolutely AMAZING day today!!! :) Went to the Louisiana Homecoming Celebration here on post!! It was supposed to be located in a big open field on base, but due to the weather everything was taken to the airfield inside the hangers.....well most everything was in the hangers...we still got pretty
We got there about 2-2:30ish and we didn't come home until after 9 tonite!! Had a FUN-FILLED day with all kinds of things!! Tyler got inside of a military helicopter, got a dragon painted on his arm, we got cool balloons made, all kinds of inflatables to play in from Jump City, and lots of food and games....then the highlight of the evening................CRAIG MORGAN CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!! (oh yeah, and did I mention it all was FREEEEEEEEEEEEE, except the food) Tyler & I tried Crawfish today!!!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!!!! :) Overall today was a blast......even though it rained all day long! There will be pics on my myspace...I'm headed that way now to upload them, so be sure and check 'em out!!!! Later y'all!!

Off to the Furniture Store!!!

YEAH!!! I am off to the Furniture Store on base!!! No more over 10 year old mattress....I can't take it anymore!!! My back hurts every day and well it's driving me insane!!!! LOL So the military furniture store is holding an appreciation day sale and it's $100.00 off the set that you purchase, so hey, that's $100.00..........every little bit saves!!! But that means no more waking up in pain from a bad mattress!!! We have to order it, so I'm not sure when exactly it'll get here, but I think I can handl ea few more days of the crazy mattress...I've endured it this long!!! ha ha ha!!!!

After that, I'm hoping for it to clear up a little...The Louisiana Homecoming celbration is on post today and we really want to go!!! Face painting, Jump Around inflatables, Food (Crayfish & More), Parachutter Show from the Parachutting group from Fort Benning, GA, Free Concert from Craig Morgan, and more!!!!!!!

Well, I'm off for now!!! Catch up with you all later today!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

mixed about this movie......have you seen it?

So, we also rented the movie, Marley And Me...anyone seen it? I'm not sure I'd let Tyler watch it again anytime soon though...I think for a PG rating there were too many referrals to sexual content, as well as a few cuss words, and actual scenes in which Tyler turned his head...The story line itself was really good, and the movie as a whole was cute, but I'm an adult...he's just 9......

Have you seen it? What's your take on it???

Good Morning!!!

Hey everyone...well I started a couple hours ago to write this and well then walked away and didn't get it done...LOL.....

Movie night went well.....guess what...I stayed awake!!! (ok, only a few of you might understand that We watched Bedtime Stories with Adam Sandler. It's the new Disney movie. It was actually really good!!! I want to get it for our collection, i'd watch it again!!! Cute Movie!!! Have you seen it?

Today..........not much on the agenda for today...Eric's home and so is Tyler...Tyler's on the computer with his cousin right now and I'm sitting here uploading photos to Tyler's myspace and Eric is just sitting here with me!! Sounds fun huh? LOL

Alright, off to do more'll check back in later!!! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

My Evening......

Back from blockbuster.........Having popcorn and family movie night....guess I'll check in later or tomorrow!!!


Well my morning was productive!!! Went to goodwill and found one shirt.......only paid $0.49 for it!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!! Then figured we'd go check the uniform shop for the other color and grabbed an extra black one and then a hunter green one......(making us to have now a total of 4 shirts and 2 pair of shorts)....but at the uniform shop we paid almost $20.00 for just 2 shirts...oh well, he's gotta have 'em!!! That is done and over with!!!!!!! Uniforms have been taken care of!! We'll post pics of him in them probably after Monday when he goes back to school!! :)

Lunch was cucumber sandwhiches, pretzals w/ dip, and water!!!! Tyler got me hooked on these cucumber sandwhiches, they are pretty good!!! :)

Catch up with you all later!!! Just waiting to see if Eric gets off work early today and then he has a 4-day weekend so he's off Friday and Monday as well!!!! YEAH!!!!!! That is exciting!!!

Talk to you later!!!

Added more pics on myspace!!! Check 'em out!!!

Uniform Hunt

Well, here it is already almost 10am and I've just finished getting ready.......but hey, I'm clean so that's one step in the right direction!!! LOL

Well, we are off to HOPEFULLY find uniforms!!!! I really am hoping that today goes better than our hunt last night!!! I'll be back later to check in........

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Sorry folks, this is my first post for the day and my only I've been in and out....went to the library on post this morning, then the PX, and then Tyler and I met Eric for lunch...after that we came home and Tyler spent most of the afternoon online with his cousins Ryan & Kimmy...then I took Tyler to the skate will be on myspace later of that!! :) Then we met Eric there to go to the furniture store after he got finished with work...looked at mattress sets, (if anyone has seen my bed, they would understand why...LOL

We are still having trouble finding Tyler's shirts for his uniforms, so Tyler and I are going to Deridder tomorrow while Eric is working to try a few places there...he just needs a couple polo shirts, but they have to be black, white, or hunter green. We found white, so we got one, but we were trying to find the other colors as well, but all we can seem to find is navy, red, and gray. You would think since the school requires hunter green and black you'd be able to find those around here...LOL....I guess not. So off we go tomorrow on a hunt for black and/or hunter green polos!

Otherwise, things are pretty good reached into the high 70's to lower 80's was beautiful!!! I have a little farmers tan from my shirt

Well, I'm off to upload pics onto to you all tomorrow!!! G'Nite!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My evening!!!

Well, Eric came home from work, we went grocery fun!! (after we grabbed a bite to eat...gotta love Free Value Meal coupons for BK), then of course we unloaded those, because unlike Ohio, it's warm here and I can't leave the groceries in the car to run anywhere else like I could this past winter up in Ohio...ha ha ha...then we ran to wal-mart...picked up one of Tyler's uniforms, gotta go somewhere else to find another pair of shorts his size and a different color shirt...We're just chillin' at home now, and I'm uploading a bunch of pics to my myspace so if you get the chance go by there and check them out...if I'm not your friend on there...well add me!!!! :) Hope all are having a good one!!! That's all for today folks!!! :)

Today...some thoughts

Hey everyone...well today when I woke up we had a choice that we thought would be pretty sweet, but it didn't happen so I guess it wasn't meant to be. Eric had e-mailed his branch manager, which is the person he can talk to so that he can try to get relocated somewhere else. They had replied to an e-mail back on Friday letting him know there was a position open in California, which would have been COMPLETELY SWEET, but when he responded today the guy told him it was already signed for yesterday...bummer... :( Well, I guess that just means that it wasn't meant to be and we'll have to see if any other opportunities open up between now and next summer. I say now and next summer like we have a time frame, well kind of would be nice because he is supposed to deploy again, this time to Afghanistan, and well, we'd really like to not have that happen, so if something becomes available that would be an option and he wouldn't have to go overseas, then we will probably take that. They told him a couple other options, but I just can't bring myself to be alright with that option...which is Germany...but I don't think I could handle living that far away...I know I'm probably completely 100% stupid because it's the opportunity of a lifetime right? LOL...idk...just can't do it right now...I'm sure that option won't change so if I change my mind, I'm sure that'll be available whenever....But enough of that, 'cause after all that all I can think about is MONTEREY, CALIFORNIA and how TOTALLY AMAZING that would have been!!!!!! LOL

Another issue today, we're still fighting with our landlords back in Ohio...wanting us to pay the 2 months rent that we left the contract early, and all that...because he had to move out of the barracks, etc..............well we told them with moving 5 states away, and the military taking the housing allowance they would give us if we lived off base, we just can't afford to pay them right now....they don't like that idea, want to take legal actions, etc..........well we finally told them we'd make SOME type of payment on the 1st of next month, so we've got until then to try and get some money saved up.....UGH..........I can't wait to get everything situated!!!!

On a good note...................the house is almost completely finished being unpacked...going to hang pictures this week, and there are a few more things to be set up otherwise, but for the most part, it's finished!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!! I am very excited about that!!! :)

Well, I'm going to go Alphabetize my DVD shelf 'cause I haven't done that Eric should be home from work, and we have to go a few places but if I get a chance, I'll write again tonight before I go to bed!!!!!!

Later all!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Hey Everyone!!

Hey everyone!! Well, here goes nothing, I'm going to attempt to keep a blog up and going and see how it goes! I've always enjoyed writing since I was back in Jr. High, so I think this will be a very fun way for me to be able to write about things I need to get out or post new things I write or just to tell about my day. I think this will be a really great idea also, now that I've just recently moved from Ohio to Fort Polk, Louisiana. I hope you all will read my blog and feel free to comment on anything!! Enjoy...I know I'm going to!!!