Good Morning all who are reading this!! Yesterday didn't bring any posts, because Eric and I stayed up pretty late on Sunday night together playing WOW. Monday morning came, 6:30 alarms went off to get Tyler up and ready for school, which did happen, then he was out the door to the bus, and well...we went back to bed. ha ha ha We didn't wake up and get moving until about 11 for me and it was noon for him. LOL After that, we pretty much had half our day gone 'cause Tyler returns by 3 and so we got lunch and ran to the PX and a few other places b4 Tyler came home. Then of course Tyler has this absolutely INSANE homework that I had to help him that we made dinner, Tyler played online with some friends, got a shower and off to bed he went...then Eric and I spent some more time on WOW before heading to bed ourselves. So yesterday was pretty much a lazy day of nothing really. LOL
Today my day started pretty busy, up with Tyler to get him off to school, after that I jumped in the shower and began my day of cleaning house. Folding laundry and putting it away, cleaned the kitchen so far...still going to dust and vaccum today, but took a break to check in on here!
Sometime after 1 today our new mattress set will be delivered, and you can't imagine how EXSTATIC I am!! We needed this so badly!!!
I'm still bent because I can't get my hands on a copy of Eclipse and I really badly want to be reading right now!! I'm pretty much ready to kill for it...ha ha ha...j/k, but I do really want to obtain a copy soon, because I'm going crazy really!!! (Thanks Ray~Ray for getting me to read! LOL)
So, I've leveled my character to 17 now on WOW and starting to enjoy playing a little more, but I am not one that has to play every day, and also won't be, 'cause I can't deal with that!!
Jammin' out today to some Nightwish, Gotthard, Petra, & Whitesnake today!!! Gotta love my weird music mixes!! Never know what will be on when I'm around...ha ha ha!!!
I finally hung up some pictures yesterday around the house, but have found that I truly need some scenic pics to hang in main places like the wall in the foyer and even down the sometime in the future that will be something I look to get! (Near Future)
My dad's recovering from his surgery quite well, from what my mom says each day that I talk to her, so I am very thankful for that!! I pray that continues to go so well!!
Well, I'm back to the house to you all later!!! :)
Missing all of you in Ohio, but I'll be visiting soon!!!