Good Morning World!!! Ok, well, not the world, but hey, everyone who is reading this!! :) I'm a little more awake today than I was yesterday, so this should be a better day! I'm now into the 2nd Season of the OC and I'm just like OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!! LOL...it's kind of addicting...kinda like Twilight...which well I'm still stuck without Eclipse and going pretty CRAZY!
Tyler's at school, Eric's at work, and I'm here at the house, just got done taking a shower and all that...house is clean...no laundry to do at this point or put away, I could unload the dishwasher, but I'll do that after lunch...right now, I'm off to watch at least one episode of the OC, before Eric gets home for lunch!!!!
I'll check in later!!
Its so good!!!