Hey everyone!! I know, I know...where have I been lately!! Well, I could probably write a novel to update everyone as to what's been happening here in SUNNY Lousiana these days! ha ha ha Over the past week or so we've been pretty busy and just kinda living life as it comes at us all!
Tyler, is into his last 2 weeks of school and very excited about that fact! His last day is May 22nd, and he is just getting more antsy by the day for it to be here! He's doing very well in school as well, keeping his grades in GREAT shape and just loving his teacher and things that have been going on there! He got a good behavior award last week and got to participate in the extra special WET & FUN inflatable WATERSLIDE time that the school provided for the kids that have had such awesome behavior! He's made a few friends at school, but none that he's had over yet, I hope that changes soon, as he's really hoping to be able to have some friends over this summer after we come back from our time in Ohio!
Eric's been hard at work each day, keeping busy with inventories and ordering all the supply shortages. He's had several change of command ceremonies lately and yet another one to come in June, so he's been dealing with all of those preparations. There has been talk about his higher ups sending him to the board sometime in June or July this summer, for a promotion from E-5 to E-6. This would be wonderful, as he'd receive a pay increase! The downfall is he also receives more responsibilities for this as well, but I think that would all be do-able as well, just something to get used to.
I have been keeping busy with keeping the house clean and doing laundry. Helping Tyler with homework and fixing dinner and just doing all the things a house wife/stay at home mom does, but I'm getting used to it and loving it more and more each day! I've been working on putting some photo collages together to hang up, and finding out I need some more collage frames when we get the extra money because I didn't get to put all the pictures in these ones that I've done so far, but I have gotten 3 done and ready to hang soon, so that excites me!
My Mother's Day was probably the best day I've had since we moved here! Woke up to Tyler giving me the things he made me at school, which was very sweet!!! The traditional coupon booklet with things and a letter he wrote me, as well as a paper he filled out about all the things he loves about his mom!! Definitely was wonderful to read each thing!! :) Eric took me to lunch at what's become my favorite place to eat here, called Catfish Junction. It's a restaraunt that features many southern, cajun, Louisiana greats!! Gumbo, Catfish, Crawfish, ALLIGATOR, frog legs, and just so many different things, as well as steak, chicken, and wow, it just keeps going! I tried alligator and absolutely loved it as well that day! Then we just kinda drove around and when we got home my friend Diedra gave us a call to tell us they were going to do the "waterslide" again this weekend, since we missed it the 1st weekend they did it...and so we headed over there about 4ish and well...we didn't come home and start showers for bed until 10ish...lol...needless to say 6:30 came for Tyler Monday morning and he was NOT ready to wake up and grace the world with his presence for school, but he did!! LOL The pictures for this event are on my myspace as well as if you go to my videos there are 2 there of the event as well!! We spent most of the evening on the waterslide and we grilled out and then had a fire and roasted marshmallows and made s'mores!! Overall the day was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
I'm getting excited some to come back to Ohio in June, just totally DREADING the long drive Tyler and I face ahead. Wish Eric was able to travel with us, but he just can't get away from work right now or else he'd come too. Tyler and I will be in Ohio 2-3 weeks...I'll be in Ohio 1 week less than he will as one of my weeks will be spent in Indiana at a church camp with Bayda to lead praise & worship to the jr. high kids, so I'm very excited about that as well!! Then we'll get to see everyone we can, and Tyler will be able to spend time with his friends and family, then it'll be the long trip back home here to Louisiana!! But the good news that follows that is... When we get back, Eric gets to take block leave time from July 1st through the 15th, so we'll get to spend time with him and he won't have to work!! We are very excited about this, as we're talking about taking a trip to the beach down on the Gulf and just take some time for ourselves, we may go up to Oklahoma and visit our friends from there as well...just whatever we do we'll be together doing it!! :)
Then we'll have to start back into normal days after the 15th of July, as Eric will be back to work, but Tyler will be home for a few more weeks before school starts up. Looks like we have a BUSY summer ahead!
Well, I think I'm going to go for now, but just wanted everyone to get caught up to date on what we've been up too!!! Talk to you all again soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what about oc....where you at in that?