SLUGS...slug is a name for a terrestrial gastropod, now you'r 1st question is probably what the heck is a gastropod...well I looked it up for you, so we'll go there first...
a gastropod is a memeber of the gastropoda class, which is the largest and most successful of the mollusks. Most have shells that are coiled or spiraled, like snails, but in some forms, such as slugs or sea slugs, the shells are either reduced or just non-exsistant.
So, slugs have a thin plate that is embedded into their tissue, they also have a distinct head with a mouth, tentacles that bear eyes, and a lung for breathing air. They move over a trail of slime, which they secrete. They glide out to feed at night, because they need cool and moist climate to live.
Ok, I know you're probably asking yourself, what in the world am I getting at right? LOL Well, it's like this...........those nasty slimy creatures are everywhere on my side porch at night......YUCK!!! LOL On a normal night there are between 3 to 7 ranging in size...and their secretion trails of slime, stay there......again....YUCK!!!!!
I have found out that they drowned in beer, and well they shrival up if you pour salt on them because it dehydrates their body...opps...yes I've tried the salt thing...lol...sorry....
Just thought I'd vent a little about these annoying little nasty and slimy things...and also, grace you all with a pic of one of the larger ones I've had on my porch. (although he's not the biggest one I've had out there...lol)
hey your blog is like a science class. lol. jk. you should do the salt thing with a video and then post it. i wanna see it. i never tried it
ReplyDeletebut i know it works!
I just might have to do that 'cause it would be pretty funny...ha ha ha...Tyler would want to help 'cause he thinks it's hilarious and jumps up and down when we say he can do it.....which has only been like once...LOL