today I woke up barely in time to tell Tyler goodbye as he was already up and ready for school himself...wow, I really slept through the alarms today...lol
Then I went back to bed and finally woke up at about 10 am and my day just seemed to start like yesterday...I folded a load of laundry and put it away while watching tv...then I watched an episode of the OC...then Eric came home for lunch.....wow this all sounds familiar...I know right...lol
Anyways, then after lunch I read 2 more chapters of Eclipse!!! YEAH, I'm through chapter 5 now!!
Tyler's down to only 1/2 days of school tom. and fri....of course he's excited by this, and I'm not sure...LOL
Well, tonite I'm going to read a little more and watch clean house at 10pm tonite 'cause they are starting the 7 messiest houses across 7 states thing...anywho...it's on the style channel...I've really become addicted to that show...LOL
Well...catch you all later...hopefully I'll have some more exciting news to chat about next time...LOL
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